Job for a Cowboy’s Nick Schendzielos releases new bass video!

- November 25th, 2013 –

Nick Schendzielos, bassist for Job for a Cowboy and Cephalic Carnage, has released his newest video, “Ol Dirty Wizard-1000′s Funking Dead Bass Shenanigans” on his YouTube channel “Bassfordays”. The video is the first featuring camera work from Matthew Zinke of Matthewknowsphotos, as well as the incredibly surrealistic masks from HyperFlesh’s Landon Meier who’s Walter White mask made huge waves at Comic-Con when Bryan Cranston wore the mask unbeknownst to the crowd. Watch the video now HERE.

Schendzielos commented, “I’m extremely brammed to release this latest video. Working with Matthew Zinke and Landon Meier has really brought this whole video thing to another level creatively for me. The visual imagery is astonishing and I can’t wait for folks to see what we have in store. Some seriously amazing guest musicians are going to featured in the next installments…maybe even the top guitarist in metal? Stay tuned!”

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