Cloak: Atlanta Black Metal Outfit Signs to Metal Blade Records

- April 25th, 2024 –

European Tour Dates Announced

Photo by Leah Lothringer

Metal Blade Records is pleased to welcome Atlanta, Georgia-based black metal outfit CLOAK to its legendary roster!

CLOAK embraces the rebellious and time-tested traditions of heavy metal. Whether it be conjuring the chaotic spirit of Swedish black metal purveyors Watain and Dissection, summoning the deep, dark, and sensual groove of Danzig, or evoking the raw speed and raucous energy of Motörhead, the influence of metal’s founding fathers is deep within CLOAK‘s DNA. CLOAK‘s charm, however, does not merely lie within its romanticism of the past, but rather is the way each of these genres has shaped the band’s own personal identity. Of the band’s most recent full-length, the critically lauded Black Flame Eternal, Decibel Magazine wrote, “CLOAK summons the black flames and feeds the fire with hard rock riffs and emits plumes of gothic atmosphere. It’s a big, professional, almost cinematic sound that should carry them to bigger venues and opportunities soon.”

Notes CLOAK of their union with Metal Blade Records, “After meeting the Metal Blade crew on our recent US tour, we knew it was the right move creatively as the respect would go both ways. We’re in the very early stages of working on new material in between touring, and who knows where the dark and winding path will lead us this time. All we know is that we have some real hard work ahead of us, as releasing new music on the same label that put out titans like Hell Awaits is not something we take lightly.”

Comments Metal Blade’s Ryan Williams; US A&R, “The decision to sign CLOAK was easy as I think they embody the quintessential essence of what it means to be a heavy metal band on Metal Blade. We are looking forward to many years of their bewitching conjurings!

CLOAK will appear on this year’s edition of the Milwaukee Metal Fest next month and recently announced The Holy Dark Over Europe Summer tour. The band comments, “Europe! We’ve waited years to finally get over there and tour, and it’s finally happening. This will be a mixture of festivals and club shows along with Hellripper and High Command. Supporters of the Black Flame come forth as we praise the Holy Darkness.”

5/15/2024 The Green Lantern – Lexington, KY
5/16/2024 Big Room Bar – Columbus, OH
5/18/2024 Milwaukee Metal Fest @ The Rave – Milwaukee, WI

7/19/2024 Pod Minogą – Poznań, PL
7/20/2024 Hydrozagadka – Warsaw, PL
7/21/2024 Barrák Music Club – Ostrava, CZ
7/22/2024 FUGA – Bratislava, SK
7/23/2024 Rockhouse – Salzburg, AT
7/24/2024 Live Music Hall – Mörlenbach-Weiher, DE
7/25/2024 The Belvédère – Namur, BE
7/26/2024 Next Stage – Tilburg, NL
7/27/2024 Burning Q Festival – Freissenbüttel, DE
7/28/2024 Schwarzer Keiler – Stuttgart, DE
8/02/2024 Schwarzer Keiler – Münster, DE
8/03/2024 Chemifabrik – Dresden, DE
8/04/2024 Goldgrube – Kassel, DE
8/09/2024 Party San Open Air – Schlotheim, DE
10/27/2024 Samhain Festival – Maastricht, NL
11/02/2024 Squirralypse Fest – Zurich, CH
11/09/2024 War Against War – Berlin, DE

Stay by for more CLOAK news to be unveiled in the weeks to come.