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Anton Reisenegger: Vocals / Guitar
Sergio Klein: Guitar
Danny Biggin: Bass
Danilo Estrella: Drums

Sacrificio is CRIMINAL's ninth full length studio album; a twelve track bludgeoning that harks back to their roots - both literally and metaphorically. With a rich history behind them, and the future unwritten before them, CRIMINAL have delivered Sacrificio - an album that could only have been made by these four musicians at this point in time.

Whilst writing for Sacrificio, CRIMINAL's home country of Chile saw a social uprising that has impacted on the lives of Chileans in immeasurable ways. Protests against corruption, inequality and the poor standard of living saw citizens take to the streets to make themselves heard. From secondary school children coordinating campaigns against public transport price hikes, through to thousands of arrests, dozens of deaths and reports of human rights abuses - this estallido social is a marker in time for Chileans around the globe. The civil action and vehement anger seeped into the creative process of the four members of CRIMINAL - three of them being Chilean. Although there is a deep personal connection to the lyrical content, the events unfold from the perspective of a spectator - albeit one who has also experienced tyrannical leadership and witnessed the divide between ordinary citizens and the social elite.

Chilean culture weaves its way into the album in other ways too; though suitably heavy, there's a percussive element to the sound of Sacrificio that reveals its Latin American roots. Coupled with an unapologetic nod to the 90s in terms of both composition and production, this album sees CRIMINAL finding their groove in more ways than one. The resulting sound is celebratory, rhythmic, organic, and captures everything that was glorious about the flourishing extreme metal scene in the 1990s.

For a band that originally formed out of the ashes of 80's death metal legends, Pentagram, the album highlights the benefits of embracing the band's origins; writing and recording took place in Chile for the first time since the 1990s. CRIMINAL continues to prove that South America can create powerful death metal on its own terms. For Sacrificio, much of the material was written in the old fashioned way - jamming in a sweaty rehearsal room, refining as they went. The old school vibe is further enhanced by the natural sounding production of Seba Puente which adds to the immediacy and live feel found throughout Sacrificio.

The past 30 years have seen twists and turns in the CRIMINAL tale, but Sacrificio finds them sounding more compelling than ever. The sole original member, vocalist/guitarist, Anton Reisenegger (Brujeria, Lock Up, Pentagram Chile), allows plenty of room for the newer and younger members of the band - Danilo Estrella on drums, Danny Biggin on bass, and Sergio Klein on guitar - to add their personal touches to the band's missives.

On Sacrificio, CRIMINAL have straddled the gulf between old school and contemporary extreme metal, whilst delivering a vital gut punch of aggression, fueled by a real-world uprising.

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